hg.sr.ht is a service for hosting mercurial repositories on sr.ht.
See also:
Important: hg.sr.ht is a work in progress. As a consequence, URLs of specific files, commits, branches, etc in the repository viewer are NOT guaranteed to remain consistent forever. When we finish writing our new repository viewer, these will change.
Learning how to use mercurial in general is out of the scope of our documentation. Here are some good resources:
We do have some general resources for helping you use mercurial with sr.ht:
If you are cloning via ssh, these lines should be added to
hg.sr.ht ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC3JDm3Ld1HNWuc+Z7KOgqboF5PVWqxRpTYHf0Lu3s4EVnCI8VlemCE7dcrfr5wffND/izSkxCf+RSWseT7oRY3Nz5VKVoAXE50Z5z+ASEeKQ5sevXCo5Rn7827Co4//J/iIWbRSbKpFR1GnhBzbNvbA5jBWP3oK6+1oqXIrgKS0i5tFk5pMBBGkOi1l6L9FxdMRe1pvx7ZkXXrSsb8uVdBD4bz9WiNKbL4qdDchL3vjMNOhdgBwBIQIg/hk4gyJfbIW/qNhZfSiwrFBekLI88tao72PycZebCSMR/YRX4OZr//5L4KNwLV81AhLQuiWRyEucw9uS/lv3gKBCaVOSoH
hg.sr.ht ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBL4aNGa+KnvMA0QoWrIVuI2QBU0Q/xX48sMBl3VtP/zPOGMvS50zGVMaA00RSzfcI2X0v/aUTsVm2vBNo/V1gTg=
hg.sr.ht ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAIcGGJcZHhcKBbsdaG+MwqZAarpJI+6nahwPaA1GK34
The guidelines on resource usage are somewhat flexible. Here are some tips:
If in doubt, you're probably fine. We monitor resource usage and we'll send you a friendly email if we notice that you're using too much.
The following sections document various features of hg.sr.ht.
Creating new repositories is done on the create page,
which you can access from any page via the navigation on the top right. You can
also create a new repository by pushing to one that does not yet exist, and
clicking the link which is printed in the hg push
output to complete the
creation process.
The name and description fields are used to describe your repository to the public. The visibility field will change how your repository is shown on the website. Public repositories are visible on your profile, to anonymous users, and on third-party search engines. Unlisted repositories are visible to anyone who has the link, but are not shown in your profile or in search results. Private repositories are only visible to you and other logged-in users who you explicitly grant access to.
Each repository's settings may be accessed via the settings link on the repository's detail page.
You can change the repository's visibility and description on this page. Click "Rename?" if you wish to rename your repository. Renaming your repository sets up a redirect from the previous name to the new.
The access page allows you to grant other users read or write access to your repository. Users with read access will be able to clone and view private repositories on the web, and users with write access will be able to push new to your repository. Users with write access will not be able to edit your repository's settings.
You can delete your repository from this page. This operation cannot be undone. This does not delete any other resources that may be associated with this project, such as a ticket tracker on todo.sr.ht or build history on builds.sr.ht.
Your public profile is available at hg.sr.ht/~username. Here any public repositories on your account are listed and searchable, but unlisted and private repositories are hidden unless you're logged in.
The information displayed on your profile page is sourced from your meta.sr.ht profile.
commit 3f05846d481ab9c50df85ab9cd5c830f9f695b7c Author: Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com> Date: 2025-01-24T10:44:31+01:00 graphql: document api-meta.json webhook key