
Table of Contents

  1. Hotwords


Hotwords is the generic mechanism for customizing Fletcher behavior on a server. This will allow a server admin to do various creature features, but for now it enables responding to a hotword regex with a reaction.


This feature requires the Read Messages and Add Reactions permissions.


Configuration is a JSON blog under the key hotwords

    "target_emoji": "newspaper2",
    "regex": "^.*newspaper *please.*$",
    "insensitive": "true" # Omit if case sensitive

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commit 76e5b8d7279dc604d847b5ecc7912b83f18b1bbd
Author: Novalinium <nova@noblejury.com>
Date:   2023-06-30T13:47:12-04:00

OK, yea, crosslink it
Clone this wiki
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