paru -S mopidy
paru -S ncmpcpp
paru -S mopidy-subidy
paru -S mopidy-mpd
# Opcional
paru -S mopidy-notifier-git
paru -S mopidy-somafm
paru -S mopidy-podcast
paru -S mopidy-mpris
paru -S mopidy-scrobbler
doas pip install Mopidy-RadioNet #Para escuchar radios de todo el mundo
Para escuchar la radio instalar Para que ponga lo que escuchas en OBS para tus videos, bajar plugin para OBS de mpd llamado TUNA Para mas extensiones a somaFM, como poner podcasts etc ir a
startup_screen = browser
paru -S cairo
paru -S gobject-introspection
doas pip install mopidy-funkwhale
enabled = true
# URL of your funkwhale instance
url =
# Application credentials (leave empty fo anonymous access)
# If you don't now what to put here, just run `mopidy funkwhale login` for
# the instructions
client_id =
client_secret =
# If for some reason, you want to use the legacy password-based auth,
# uncomment the variables below
# username = demo
# password = demo
# duration of cache entries before they are removed, in seconds
# 0 to cache forever, empty to disable cache
cache_duration = 600
doas mopidyctl funkwhale login
doas usermod -aG mopidy rek2
cp /etc/pulse/ ~/.config/pulse/
load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-ip-acl=
output = pulsesink server=
systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.service
systemctl enable mopidy
doas mopidyctl config
systemctl start mopidy
man ncmpcpp
commit a300fb53568e3e2db1bf24c1d5467a63b59f174d Author: ReK2 <> Date: 2024-07-22T18:22:54+02:00 fix typo