
#Get Password from your Password manager


  • a password-manager supporting Freedesktop.org Secret Service integration
  • secret-tool (usually provided by libsecret or a similar package)

Tested with:

  • KeePassXC
  1. create the following script:

secret-tool lookup "$1" "$2"
# wait until the password is available
while [ $? != 0 ]; do
	secret-tool lookup "$1" "$2"
  1. Edit your accounts.conf to use source-cred-cmd and outgoing-cred-cmd to point to the script.
source-cred-cmd = ~/.config/aerc/scripts/wait-for-creds.sh Title "Mailaccount (Work)"

aerc will now wait for the credentials to become available (for you to unlock you password manager) when starting.

About this wiki

commit 72d5c028d9726cf3663e2c7469e278fc23274362
Author: tonitch <tonitch@herisson.ovh>
Date:   2024-11-27T17:04:49+01:00

integrations: remove aercbook

This repository does not exist anymore.

Signed-off-by: tonitch <tonitch@herisson.ovh>
Acked-by: Robin Jarry <robin@jarry.cc>
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